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Make a difference — help students and teachers worldwide continue to use CmapTools for free!

We believe that the CmapTools software, together with a concept map-centered learning methodology, can make a huge difference in the quality of education in schools and universities. More than 50% of the downloads of the CmapTools client is for educational use. Students and teachers from all over the world use our CmapTools software and it continues to be free for everybody to download.

There are many of business models out there such as “pay-per-use” — but we like the “donation model” best.

Anyone can download the software for free — and you make a donation if you like the CmapTools client software and would like to help make it available to students and teachers in schools around the world.

IHMC is a non-for profit organization that depends mostly on external funding for its research and development, and so all donation amounts help! By contributing to the development of the CmapTools software suite, you will help students and teachers in many countries. Every donation counts.